WCCM-ECCOMAS 2020 Pre-Congress Course
Paris, France - July 2020
Peridynamic Theory of Solid Mechanics: Modeling, Computation, and Applications
- Dr. John Foster
Associate Professor, Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Email: [email protected]
- Dr. David Littlewood
Manager, Computational Multiscale Department
Sandia National Laboratories
Email: [email protected]
- Dr. Pablo Seleson
Research Scientist, Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Email: [email protected]
Course Description
Fracture prediction is an ongoing challenge in computational science and
engineering. Peridynamics is a nonlocal reformulation of classical continuum
mechanics, suitable for fracture modeling and simulation, that removes spatial
differentiability assumptions on displacement fields. This course will provide an
overview of peridynamics, including its mathematical, computational, and modeling
aspects. The course will also review advanced research topics and software in
peridynamics, and it will include a hands-on tutorial on 3D simulation of solid
mechanics problems.